Saskatoon to San Jose: A Drive to Central America

This is the site to follow along as our family of four drives from Saskatoon, Canada to San Jose, Costa Rica in a 1980 VW van.

California Dreamin'....

I'm sitting in my new office in the van. The more nights we pack up for an evening of sleeping in Dora, the better we get. This time their is definitely more room, so much so that I've managed to set the little table up and not bend my back in awkward positions in the top bunk, desperately trying not to wake up Freja with the blue glow of the computer screen. Now I sit with the passenger seat turned around, table in front of me and a beautiful solar panel charged battery, running the computer, external hard drive and charging the camera's batteries. Awesome. Not only that, but I get to hear and smell the Californian ocean crashing around to my left. The same ocean I watched the sunset on as we crossed the border of Oregon

We are in a RV park in Crescent City, California, just outside the border of Oregon. It was a beautiful drive along the 101, steep cliffs, sandy beaches and wonderful sunshine. Apart from the few minor breakdowns of babies in the back looking to stretch their legs we were just fine. Not only that but we made fairly good ground, now sitting only 350 miles from crossing that infamous golden gate bridge.

This is a short one, more later I promise. I just wanted to post a little before heading off to bed. Everyone else is sleeping, which means I probably should too. Don't want to be the odd man out tomorrow and try and sleep in. All is well, Dora is running fine, I topped her up with a little oil today and we're going to bring her in for a check up before we hit Mexico, just to be sure. One thing I forgot to mention is that along with the salty smell of the ocean, we have the smell of freshly baked bread filling the van right now as Shona is using the breadmaker for the first time since we left Saskatoon, You know what that means? Fresh bread and ocean views for breakfast tomorrow. MmmMmm... can't wait. Mas Manana (more tomorrow)...


debbie thompson said...

I love where you guys are at,it is so beautiful. It seems to me in my denial that you are just on a holiday and will be home soon. Okay I am jealous a bit as it gets colder each day,and the mice reside in my pantry and everywhere else they decide to go. Miss you and am happy for your adventures. Be well
Love and light