Saskatoon to San Jose: A Drive to Central America

This is the site to follow along as our family of four drives from Saskatoon, Canada to San Jose, Costa Rica in a 1980 VW van.

5:30 in the morning...

It's 5:30 am and I'm sitting outside on the little deck of our quaint little cabin in Revelstoke. It's cold in these mountains at night, I haven't been up this early in a long time, a combination of a lost hour and an early bedtime I'm sure. Everyone is still asleep in the cabin as I sit with a camel cigarette watching my icy breath disappear into the cold dark sky. It's so quiet, I feel miles away from anywhere save the sounds of a few passing trucks on the nearby highway. I should probably stay up and watch the sunrise, take advantage of an early morning which I'm most used to seeing as a result of a late night at work. This is where the adventure really begins I guess, no true destination until our rendezvous in Guatemala on November 3rd to start spanish lessons. There may be a few days of work for me in Vancouver with our old neighbours stepdad, a well needed little influx of cash will surely help. I wonder what time the sun comes up in Revelstoke, there is definitely no sign of it yet. Losing my wallet lastnight was a temporary high-stress situation, that was relieved as logged into facebook to find a message from someone saying "Do you live in Banff? I found something that may interest you..." So I drove down to meet the good spirit in front of Mac's Milk and retrieved my fully intact wallet, complete with the Canadian Tire money that we'd accumulated from a gas cap purchase in Calgary. There is still good people in this world I guess. Thank you Corine.

I don't know where we will get to today, I'd like to try and make it to Vancouver, but I won't be bothered if we don't. Gas is $1.35.9/Litre in this little mountain town so it's going to be quite painful to fill up before we head out this morning, but what can you do? I read the Globe and Mail lastnight and it seems the whole world is getting shaken up by this $800 Million bailout our good ol' friend G.W. signed the other day. I can't help but wonder if this is it, the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. When financial institutions start to fail I'd like to think that the opportunity for better things will grow through their crumbling sidewalks, much like the flowers that find there way through the pavement of a abandoned parking lot. Anyways, I think I might try and get a bit more sleep as my eyes are begin to feel heavy again and my fingers start to feel numb from the frosty air. Spanish C.D.'s for the rest of the drive.... Buenos Dias mi amigos...