Saskatoon to San Jose: A Drive to Central America

This is the site to follow along as our family of four drives from Saskatoon, Canada to San Jose, Costa Rica in a 1980 VW van.

In My Defense...

It seems as though Shona has taken to using this informative and entertaining record of our Central American journey as a public forum to discuss my sometimes forgetful nature. Yes, it's true I tend to be forgetful, we all know that. But if we're going to disuss these things in the blog I'd like to take this short moment (I'll write more when we have some time) to make you all aware of Shona's navigational skills. Since losing the GPS (no I didn't forget it somewhere, they don't have Mexico on file) the tension in the van has gotten heated at times. If I left all directions to her, some of you may be happy because we'd be back in Canada. There you go I said it. I still love her but if she's going to be tongue in cheek about my forgetfulness then I assume it's safe to do the same?

Ha. Anyways we're leaving Santa Carlos, Mexico today and heading down the coast. It's a lot longer than we thought and we're a little worried about time, but hopefull we'll make it. Anyways I have to deal with a baby that just fell of the backseat (again). More later...


debbie thompson said...

Hello Matty, Shona, Freja, Eir its great to here your having fun i would love to be there with you its a great experience. I miss you allot and wanted to say hello i have been reading your blog and watching your video's it seems you had a little bit of a rough patch there with the your head getting bumbed and not finding a place to stay for the night but that worked it self out By the way its your little sister/antie
love you lots and i hope the passing of the border will be lots of joy for you all XOXOXOXOXOXOX love you all very much

Frannie said...

Awww...poor baby! Hope she's okay. Fingers crossed that you make the timeline! Let Little Miss Freja know that Gran Fran is very impressed with her photo taking!! : ) In my thoughts always. Love you all, safe travels.

Lenore said...

Hey Matty, El Dia de los Muertos is coming. The cemetaries in Mexico are very colourful this time of year. Take some cool pictures! Hope you are having a blast.

